Rejuvenation Cafe

It is important to correctly store your teas and herbs in order to preserve the flavor, color and fragrant against the elements that threaten its integrity. Most loose leaves will remain stable for up to a year. We package our teas in 2-ounce packages, so that you can enjoy the teas at its best.

Loose-leaf teas are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, moisture and light. Store in control temperature, moisture, and limited light. You can put the tea package in a tin canister. The ideal place to store teas and herbs is a dry cupboard, pantry or closet.

The amount of tea, the brewing time is only a suggestion. You may brew more or less tea for a longer or shorter suggested time. Enjoy the tea, according to your taste.

We blend small batches at a time, to ensure that you get the best tasting cup of tea.


Mimi's Favorite Herbs for Tea Blending


Alfalfa - Honored as "King of Plants" for its extremely high vitamin and mineral content and the highest chlorophyll level of all plant. Popular as a blood purifier.

Astragalus Root - (milk vetch) Digestion and grounding aid; eases chronic respiratory infections; Immune system booster.

Bilberry - (leaves and fruit) Aids in the improvement and enhancement of day and night vision. Increases circulation to peripheral blood vessels in the brain. Bilberry compounds are effective anti-aging agents by slowing down collagen destruction and scavenging free radicals. 

Burdock Root - Good anti-inflammatory remedy. Protects liver from toxic chemicals. Stimulates release of gastric juices to aid digestion.

Cayenne - (my all time favorite) A stimulating herb that aids circulation; lowers blood pressure; stimulates sweating; stops cuts from bleeding sweating. I saved myself from cataract eye surgery by using this.

Chamomile - Wonderful nervine and sedative/anti-insomniac; digestive aid. Safe for children.

Catnip - Used in traditional cold and flu remedies; fever reducer; sleep inducer. Good for fevers. Safe for children.

Calendula - An anti- inflammation. It fights fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Good for skin problems and minor wounds.

Cinnamon - A spice for all body systems. Dispels colds and winter chills as it helps to reduce inflammation. Helps normalize blood sugar levels.  Its compounds help to normalize blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin receptor sites. The aroma of cinnamon promotes positive brain activity.

Clove - Antiseptic/antimicrobial. Kills bacteria, internal parasites, and fungi; fights free radical oxidation. Relieves pain; enhances blood circulation; aids digestion.

Corn Silk - Useful as a diuretic, for relief of swelling due to water retention. Great source of Vitamin K to help control bleeding. 

Dandelion - Helps to stimulate release of bile from liver into the gallbladder. A great herbal diuretic, it stimulates urination, along with replacing potassium lost through frequent urination.

Elderberry - The main ingredient in Sambucol, an over-the-counter flu and cold tonic. Contains a compound that inhibits the enzyme flu viruses from entering cell membrane, preventing them from invading respiratory tract cells. Useful as a treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs and flu.

Ginger - The Chinese have been using this as medicine for over 2,000 years. It is a remedy for digestive disorders, nausea, motion sickness; fever, coughing, and lumbago. Wonderful to blend with other herbs. I enjoy my ginger and tumeric tea every night.

Gingko - Has a long history in treatment of poor circulation; effective in increasing blood flow in cerebral and vascular conditions. It is popular as a longevity herb in Japan.

Hawthorn - Normalizes and enhances heart and circulatory system by regulating blood pressure and pulse/arrhythmias. Prevents hardening of arteries and cools inflammation of heart muscles. Used regularly, hawthorn strengthens the heart muscles.

Hibiscus - Tart and fruity; high in Vitamin C. Calms muscle spasms. Used as an expectorant and in treatment of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Holy Basil - Tulsi Increases endurance and physical performance and ability to cope with stress. Strengthens immune function. Enhances digestion and absorption of nutrients from food or other herbs.  Has mild blood thinning properties and not recommended for use if pregnant.

Horsetail - Heavy in silica, it strengthens nails and hair. Helps body to utilize and retain calcium. Used in herbal bone fortifying combinations.

Lavender - Good remedy for anxiety, nervousness, and stress. Good tonic for the nervous system and for restoring vitality. Hot lavender promotes sweating. The aromatic properties of lavender promote relaxation. Soothing for children.

Licorice - Harmonizes the action of all other herbs Powerful relaxant. Used for sore throat relief, cough suppressant, expectorant; and, as a mild laxative. Those with a history of cardiac problems and / or hypertension should avoid high doses of licorice.

Lemon Balm - Used for more than 2000 years as an aid for insomnia, nervousness, and flu. It stimulates the senses and lifts the spirit. Refreshing in cool summer beverages.

Lemon Grass - Mild sedative. The oil is rich in geranial and citral, which contributes to lower serum cholesterol levels.

Lemon Peel - Very nutritional; contains Vitamin C. Used in tea blends to enhance flavor.

Oatstraw - A major source of minerals, it is high in calcium, fiber, magnesium, silicon, chromium, and Vitamin A. Promotes calcium and magnesium absorption. Also a good nervine.

Nettle -High in chlorophyll; good source of Vitamins C and A. Includes bio-available minerals, such as calcium, silicon, potassium chloride and fiber. A powerful nervine.

Orange Peel - Contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory bitter compounds. Reduces muscle spasm. Increase production of digestive fluids. Increases production of digestive fluids.  Improves circulation.

Passion Flower - Acts as a mild sedative promoting relaxation/decreasing nervousness and lowering blood pressure relaxing, calming for high blood pressure. Also good for insomnia and headache

Peppermint - Good for soothing the digestive tract, it is used in the treatment of simple colic, bloating, nausea; expels stomach and colon gas. Promotes relaxation. Invigorating for the mind and spirit.

Red Clover - A wonderful blood purifier, it is an excellent source of calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Used in the treatment of arthritis, liver congestion, muscle cramps, and inflammatory skin conditions.

Red Raspberry - Strengthens the uterus wall and entire female reproductive system. Has high mineral and vitamin content.

Rose - Relaxant, nutrient, mild laxative, diuretic, detoxifier, decongestant, and nervine. An infusion of rose can relieve cold and flu symptoms, sore throat, runny nose, and blocked bronchial tubes.

Rosemary -Antioxidant, antiseptic and antispasmodic. May prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical that allows neurons within the brain to communicate with each other. Stops growth of yeast cells in lining of the urinary tract.

Rose Hips - The dried fruits of roses, they are high in Vitamin C. Also contains bioflavonoid, which is beneficial to the heart and circulatory system.

Schizandra berry- One of the most powerful herbs in Chinese medicine, it is a powerful adaptogenic herb that redirects you from an extreme to an ideal balanced state. Promotes mental function, beautifies the skin and increases physical stamina.

Spearmint - Good for soothing digestive tract, including the easement of heartburn.

Stevia - It is naturally sweeter than sugar, stevia contains no added calories, has no side effects, and only a mild aftertaste. Great as a sweetener substitute for diabetics.

Tumeric - The main anti-inflammatory herb of Ayurvedic medicine. The popular curcumin is from the tumeric plant. Tumeric in diet increases the production of enzymes essential to the digestion of fats and sugar. Also stops cholesterol from developing into gallstones. A great anti-inflammatory herb. 


Brewing Tea

When brewing tea, different plant parts required different brewing time. Black, green and oolong are leaves from the same plant. (Camellia Sinenis). Bring the water to a boil and then cool for a few minutes. You can steep a tea bag or a teaspoon of loose leaves into an infuser. Steep green or oolong for 1-3 minutes. When steeping black tea, use water that comes to a rolling boil. Steep black tea 3-5 minutes. Your tea will become bitter from the tannins if you steep it too long.

When making herbal tea, use a rounded teaspoon of dried leaves or flowers. Depending on how strong you want your brew, you can steep the herbs from 5-10 minutes. If you are using the bark, root, fruit and or stem of plant, we will have to use a stronger method of extraction; what we call a decoction. Here, instead of steeping, you simmer the bark, root or stem for 30 minutes. When using tea medicinally, you simmer the solution and reduce the liquid to 25%.  Stop and take time for a delicious, comforting cup of tea!!!



Mimi Lam